Organic Churrasco BBQ spice mix

Bio Churrasco BBQ Gewürzmischung
Bio Churrasco BBQ Gewürzmischung
Bio Churrasco BBQ Gewürzmischung

Organic Churrasco BBQ spice mix

Chilis*, Geräucherte Paprika*, Senf*, Rohrzucker*, Meersalz, Zwiebeln*, Koriandersamen*, Knoblauch*, Schwarzer Pfeffer*, Rauchsalz, Kreuzkümmel*, Piment*, Thymian*, Majoran*, Oregano*, Liebstöckel*, Kakao*.
*aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. Zertifizierung: CH-BIO-006

Packaging type
Regular price CHF 10.50
  • Mit viel Liebe von Hand hergestellt
  • Bio Zertifiziert CH-BIO-006
  • Nur Frische Zutaten
  • Sicher zahlen
  • Inhalt: 60 Gramm
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Backordered, shipping soon
Tax included.

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Chhhhurrasco! For Brazilians, this is what the hissing of juicy grilled meat dripping into the fire sounds like. The spirited south of Brazil grills churrasco on almost every festive occasion. A hearty traditional dish on hot embers that is simply part of the Brazilian lifestyle. Nowadays, exuberant churrasco barbecue parties are celebrated in all parts of the world. Spicy spicy aromas, hot chili and strong smoky notes with the crispy steak will make every meat lover's mouth water. Would you also like to enjoy the spirit of Latin America and give your chili con carne, burger, vegetable skewer or beef the respect it deserves? Then rely on this grill mixture with hot, crushed chilies and smoked paprika - become a “churrasqueiro”!

Churrasco is a Latin American form of preparing meat (usually beef) over an open charcoal fire. The traditional dish follows a long history. It was the Brazilian cowboys and gauchos who rewarded themselves with braised meat after a long foray through the pampas. Enjoyably prepared over the campfire. To this day, this early variant of BBQ is celebrated in the country's typical style. We have created a homemade Churrasco Barbecue Rub that will bring the taste of Rio de Janeiro to your plate. What's waiting for you? A spicy spice mixture with a fruity smoky note and a particularly spicy aroma.

Fiery chili & smoky peppers! A spirited combination of Gaucho culture that will spice up your next barbecue evening! This South American spice mixture produces a variety of different spices. Mexican chilies provide the racy spiciness. Smoked paprika provides the fruity, smoky grilled aroma that is reminiscent of air-dried ham smoked over wood. The spicy mélange is rounded off with intense herbs such as thyme, marjoram and oregano.

The Churrasco Barbecue is the perfect spice mix for your next chili con carne. Try our exciting chili con carne tacos with pumpkin and roasted corn! The spicy spice mixture also goes well with all grilled beef and lamb specialties, but is just as excellent with pork and poultry as well as fried meat dishes. Pickled beforehand or brushed on while grilling, this spicy mélange shows its Latin American soul. With a little oil you can mix this barbecue spice into a spicy marinade or paste in no time. We recommend it with a juicy steak with Avoda tomato salsa! Spare ribs or crunchy vegetable kebabs over open embers also become a spicy treat with Churrasco! But the spice mixture can do much more: Be sure to try out its spicy aroma to refine your Bolognese sauce or with a delicious burger.

Nowadays, any meat roasted on a churrasqueira (churrasco grill) is called a churrasco. For the experienced grill master, the so-called “Churrasqueiro”, the unique preparation is a real ritual. Churrasco has a long and nationwide tradition, although there are regional differences. It has its origins in wandering gauchos who used to drive their huge herds of cattle through the South American expanses. In the evening, the ancient herders of southern Brazil prepared their meat over an open fire and ate it in the wild. Since only salt was available to them at the time, the original Churrasco meat was seasoned only with salt. But over time it developed into the versatile Churrasco. A harmonious selection of local spices and herbs was added.

From Brazil, churrasco barbecue has spread throughout America and into Europe. Churrasco is also enjoying increasing popularity in this country. Our Churrasco Barbecue is a traditional recipe from Mexico. Because we think that the recipes from South and Central America simply taste the most original! Enjoying an authentic churrasco is important to us!

Ingredients: Chilies, smoked paprika, mustard, cane sugar, sea salt, onions, coriander seeds, garlic, black pepper, smoked salt, cumin, allspice, thyme, marjoram, oregano, lovage, cocoa.

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Warum Just Chili?

  • 100 % natürliche Zutaten: Geniesse reine Aromen ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe.
  • Bio-zertifizierte Qualität: Unsere Gewürze stammen aus fairem und nachhaltigem Anbau.
  • Vielfalt und Inspiration: Von klassischen Gewürzsets bis hin zu exotischen Chili-Produkten und Saucen bieten wir eine Palette, die jede Küche bereichert.
  • Geschenkideen: Überrasche mit liebevoll zusammengestellten Gewürzgeschenksets.