Bei Justchili stehen wir für höchste Qualität und natürliche Reinheit. Unsere Gewürze und Mischungen werden in der Schweiz mit grösster Sorgfalt abgefüllt, frei von künstlichen Zusätzen oder Rieselhilfen. Jedes Produkt entsteht in kleinen Chargen, um maximale Frische und unverfälschten Geschmack zu garantieren. Entdecke mit Justchili den Unterschied, den echtes Handwerk und beste Zutaten machen können.
If you're wondering what coffee and grilling have to do with each other and are approaching your question with skepticism, we recommend trying our Coffee to Grill Rub. Roasty, slightly tart, sweet and spicy at the same time, it is a must for all coffee lovers and grill fans!
Coffee as a spice? Very well. In addition to being used to prepare delicious hot drinks, coffee powder is suitable for use in a range of spice combinations to achieve roasted aromas, earthy tones and deep flavors. The situation is very similar with the use of cocoa, which is also usually used to make hot drinks. Since a whole range of roasted flavors are created when the beans are heated, it is also perfect for seasoning (see also our 'Mole Poblano'). When you open the spice jar, you will be greeted by a wonderfully nutty, roasty scent. Cocoa gives our spice mixture slightly chocolaty, bittersweet notes and tastes slightly astringent in the finish. Garlic and peppers bring spicy, hot notes that are said to bring strength to the product. While the spiciness of the garlic dissipates when heated, the sweet, spicy components of garlic and pepper remain. Ground chilies add spiciness to the mixture. Last but not least, we added cumin to our mixture, which smells oriental and tastes heavy, spicy-sweet. Cumin goes excellently with lamb, chicken and fish and is a must-have ingredient in many country cuisines. Add a little whole cane sugar, which was separated from most of the molasses after centrifugation. It is one of the re-refined types of sugar. Therefore it still tastes slightly of caramel, a bit malty and is reminiscent of the taste of licorice. Raw cane sugar, also known as muscovade, goes perfectly with spicy roasted dishes and goes perfectly with braised onions. In addition, the best sea salt and fine pepper provide the basic seasoning that cannot be missed.
If you don't feel like lighting a grill and sizzling meat in the smoke, you can of course also use our Coffee to Grill Rub in your low-smoke, cozy kitchen, without deducting the B grade, of course.
There is a lot of coffee and spiciness in both the BBQ sauce and the burger patty. Worcestershire sauce, along with sugar and apple cider vinegar, gives the sauce a kick, while a cup of espresso lifts the roasty flavors. In 25 minutes you have a great meal for you and your friends after a long day and a good basis for a great evening! That's how it has to be, with our Coffee to Grill Rub!
Pork in particular often needs support from flavors (i.e. spices) to make a brilliant appearance. But things are very similar with chicken too. Before grilling, you can choose two types of seasoning: the rub and the marinade. While the marinade applies the spice mixture along with a carrier liquid - often oil - and massages it into the meat, the rub is a dry form of seasoning. You rub the spice into the meat or roll the meat in the spice mixture beforehand. Nevertheless, the meat should not be put on the fire immediately. It's better to massage half of the rub well into the meat the day before, wrap it in cling film and let it sit in the fridge overnight. On the day of the barbecue, take the meat out of the fridge ahead of time and massage it with the other half of the rub. Grill the meat only when it has reached room temperature. Tastes delicious and is easy!
When grill masters come up with technical jargon, it quickly becomes difficult for ordinary people to understand what they're talking about. It's a similar situation when professional grillers write books in which terms like 'mopping' suddenly appear. It's not as complex as we learned, it's just a Germanized loan word from English. A 'mop' is nothing other than the marinade with liquid described above. To do this, treat the grilled food with the marinade the day before and, like rubbed meat, store it in the refrigerator overnight. Now you brush the meat with the remaining marinade during the grilling process, the crust becomes thicker, crispier and the taste becomes much more intense. However, you shouldn't overdo it. Rubbing with the brush two to three times should be enough. Good Mop!
Whether pork, beef or chicken, you can try our Coffee to Grill Rub at many locations. We have had very good experiences with marinading beef. As described above, you should try a smaller piece that is easy to grill (T-bone steak), which you should ideally season heavily with Coffee to Grill Rub overnight and fry very hot on the grill the next day. Experiments with lamb also seem appealing!
Named after French scientist Camille Maillard, the browning reaction is what we want to achieve when grilling. Amines are converted into new compounds under the influence of heat. The ideal temperature is between 140 and 180 degrees Celsius. Below 140 degrees, the product cooks more than it is roasted, and above 180 degrees, protein-containing foods burn quickly, resulting in bitter tastes. Without the Maillard reaction, grilling over fire would be much more boring because the strong flavors in the crust that we value so much would not be created. The reaction is particularly interesting for our spice because it plays a key role in the creation process of two main ingredients of our spice mixture, namely in the refinement of cocoa, but especially in the roasting of coffee, which would otherwise have very little power.
Compared to other spice mixtures in our range, our Coffee to Grill Rub is light to medium hot. Our Magic Dust Rub offers the next, sharper level, which we would also like to recommend to you. Particularly due to grilling in conjunction with fat, the spiciness of the end product no longer plays a major role for those who are sensitive to spiciness. However, if you want it even hotter, you simply need chili overdose and will have to add more seasoning.
Ingredients: Cane sugar, sea salt, 100% coffee beans (ground), black pepper, 100% cocoa, garlic, paprika powder, cayenne chili, cumin.
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Warum Just Chili?
- 100 % natürliche Zutaten: Geniesse reine Aromen ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe.
- Bio-zertifizierte Qualität: Unsere Gewürze stammen aus fairem und nachhaltigem Anbau.
- Vielfalt und Inspiration: Von klassischen Gewürzsets bis hin zu exotischen Chili-Produkten und Saucen bieten wir eine Palette, die jede Küche bereichert.
- Geschenkideen: Überrasche mit liebevoll zusammengestellten Gewürzgeschenksets.