Organic Dragon Curry spice mix

Bio Dragon Curry Gewürzmischung
Bio Dragon Curry Gewürzmischung
Bio Dragon Curry Gewürzmischung

Organic Dragon Curry spice mix

Paprika*, Tellicherry Pfeffer*, Himbeerpulver*, Kurkuma*, Bockshornkleesaat*, Koriandersamen*, Knoblauch*, Birds Eye Chili*, Cayennechili*, Ingwer*, Muskatblüte*, Langer Pfeffer*, Nelken*, Zitronenmyrte*, Ceylon Zimt*, Kardamon*.
*aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. Zertifizierung: CH-BIO-006

Packaging type
Regular price CHF 11.50
  • Mit viel Liebe von Hand hergestellt
  • Bio Zertifiziert CH-BIO-006
  • Nur Frische Zutaten
  • Sicher zahlen
  • Inhalt: 55 Gramm
  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Backordered, shipping soon
Tax included.

Bei Justchili stehen wir für höchste Qualität und natürliche Reinheit. Unsere Gewürze und Mischungen werden in der Schweiz mit grösster Sorgfalt abgefüllt, frei von künstlichen Zusätzen oder Rieselhilfen. Jedes Produkt entsteht in kleinen Chargen, um maximale Frische und unverfälschten Geschmack zu garantieren. Entdecke mit Justchili den Unterschied, den echtes Handwerk und beste Zutaten machen können.

The name of this fruity-spicy spice mixture doesn't promise too much: fiery fruity aromas make the Dragon Curry unique. By spicy, we mean spicy! Awaken the dragon in you!

The Dragon Curry is not for the faint-hearted. Intense chili notes, ginger and several types of pepper provide this mixture with the authentic spiciness that we love in Asian delicacies. It is not intended to numb the taste buds, but rather - on the contrary - to highlight the other components of the spice mixture. Lemon myrtle and raspberry powder provide fruity notes, which unfold their potential in strong sauces or Asian soups.

The homeland of curries is India. In the great land of colors and contrasts, many cultural influences come together. From the north to the south tip you would have to cover 3500km. That's as far as traveling from Stockholm to the most south-western point of Italy, at the very tip of the boot. What would you discover on this route? It's no surprise that India is home to so many flavors and thousands of traditional curry blends.

There is actually a plant called curry herb. However, these leaves have nothing in common with the popular spice mixture. According to stories, the herb got its name from the specific smell that is reminiscent of curry. However, curry powder consists of up to 30 different ingredients and therefore cannot be replaced with a single herb.

Due to the complex compositions, only the oldest and most experienced spice traders were previously allowed to mix the flavor-intensive curries according to their personal secret recipe. We also use individual recipes for our different curries. The Dragon Curry, for example, consists of 15 high-quality individual spices from controlled organic cultivation.

The coloring spice for the golden-yellow curries is turmeric. Also known colloquially as “turmeric”, this ingredient forms the basis of every powder. Both its availability in India and its striking color and unmistakable taste convinced local spice traders and their buyers in India's neighboring countries over 1000 years ago.

However, despite the use of turmeric, curries are not always yellow. Other ingredients influence the mixture not only in terms of taste, but also visually. The organic dragon curry, for example, gets a beautiful red color from spicy chilies, peppers and fruity raspberry powder. Our green Thai curry also has its name for good reason. Green pepper flakes and parsley give the mixture its light, soft green color. The Purple Curry is also a real eye-catcher with its bright purple color.

The question of the level of spiciness of curry cannot be answered in general, as each mixture has its own flavor. The Dragon Curry is the hottest curry in our range. Curry powders often say they are hot and are not. That can't happen to you here. You can then breathe fire like a dragon. Even small amounts are enough to intensively flavor your favorite dish. With its fruity, fiery note, Dragon Curry goes ideal with fish or poultry dishes.

Do you like experimenting with new spices like dragon curry in your kitchen? Just be brave! If you accidentally added too much spiciness, coconut milk can balance out this imbalance. The Asian counterpart to cream and the like neutralizes the fiery notes and also gives your curry an exotic taste. Another plus point: coconut milk is also welcome in vegan cuisine!

The British used the term “curry” to describe, on the one hand, the versatile spice mixtures, but on the other hand, also the completely new, delicious stew dishes that they got to know in India. We have retained this doubling of words to this day, which is why we think of curry dishes when we use the curry spice mixture. However, the facets of Indian cuisine go far beyond this delicacy.

A popular, very spicy meat dish, for example, is “Vindalho”. A marinade made from fiery spices not only gives the meat an intense aroma, but also ensures it lasts longer. During the occupation, the Portuguese also took a liking to this practical and tasty method of preparation and imported it to their home country. However, unlike in Hindu-dominated India, pork and beef were mostly processed there. With the Dragon Curry you can give this dish the necessary spiciness - and decide for yourself which type of meat you like best.

Ingredients: Paprika, Tellicherry pepper, raspberry powder, turmeric, fenugreek seeds, coriander seeds, garlic, birds eye chili, cayenne chili, ginger, mace, long pepper, cloves, lemon myrtle, Ceylon cinnamon, cardamon.

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Warum Just Chili?

  • 100 % natürliche Zutaten: Geniesse reine Aromen ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe.
  • Bio-zertifizierte Qualität: Unsere Gewürze stammen aus fairem und nachhaltigem Anbau.
  • Vielfalt und Inspiration: Von klassischen Gewürzsets bis hin zu exotischen Chili-Produkten und Saucen bieten wir eine Palette, die jede Küche bereichert.
  • Geschenkideen: Überrasche mit liebevoll zusammengestellten Gewürzgeschenksets.