Bei Justchili stehen wir für höchste Qualität und natürliche Reinheit. Unsere Gewürze und Mischungen werden in der Schweiz mit grösster Sorgfalt abgefüllt, frei von künstlichen Zusätzen oder Rieselhilfen. Jedes Produkt entsteht in kleinen Chargen, um maximale Frische und unverfälschten Geschmack zu garantieren. Entdecke mit Justchili den Unterschied, den echtes Handwerk und beste Zutaten machen können.
Discover our authentic Italian herbal blend and immerse yourself in the delicious flavors of Italy!
Our carefully compiled spice blend of Italian herbs is the perfect accompaniment to your favorite Italian dishes. It gives your dishes a touch of Mediterranean flair and intensifies the taste to a whole new level. Let me tell you more about this unique blend and give you some preparation tips.
Our Italian herb mixture consists of a selection of high-quality organic herbs such as basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme and other aromatic ingredients. Each component has been carefully selected to capture the authentic aroma and flavor of traditional Italian cuisine .
Using our spice mixture in your dishes is incredibly easy . Here are some preparation tips to get the most out of the flavors of our Italian herb blend:
1. Pasta sauces: Add a teaspoon of our spice mix to your homemade tomato sauces or Bolognese sauces. The herbs give the sauces a wonderful spice and an authentic Italian aroma.
2. Pizza topping: Sprinkle our herb mixture generously over your homemade pizza or ready-made pizza before putting it in the oven. The mixture gives the pizza an additional flavor kick and a Mediterranean touch.
3. Bruschetta: Mix our herb mixture with a little olive oil and spread this mixture on fresh toasted bread. Top it with tomato slices or other ingredients of your choice for a delicious bruschetta.
4. Salads: Add a teaspoon of our spice blend to your salad dressings or sprinkle it directly over your green salad. The mixture adds a flavorful note to the salad and gives it a touch of Italy.
5. Mediterranean Marinades: Use our spice blend as a base for marinades for meat, poultry or vegetables. Mix them with olive oil, lemon juice and garlic for an authentic Mediterranean taste.
Our Italian herb blend is a must for all lovers of Italian cuisine . The aromas of sun-kissed herbs will enchant your taste buds and take your dishes to a new culinary level.
Order our Italian herb mixture today and experience the taste of Italy in your own kitchen. Pamper yourself and your guests with the unmistakable aroma of our spice mixture and bring the taste of Italy to your home.
Ingredients: Oregano*, thyme*, basil*, rosemary*, garlic*, onion*, savory*, bay leaves*
*from controlled organic cultivation. Certification: CH-BIO-006
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Wir geben alles für besten Geschmack
Warum Just Chili?
- 100 % natürliche Zutaten: Geniesse reine Aromen ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe.
- Bio-zertifizierte Qualität: Unsere Gewürze stammen aus fairem und nachhaltigem Anbau.
- Vielfalt und Inspiration: Von klassischen Gewürzsets bis hin zu exotischen Chili-Produkten und Saucen bieten wir eine Palette, die jede Küche bereichert.
- Geschenkideen: Überrasche mit liebevoll zusammengestellten Gewürzgeschenksets.