Bei Justchili stehen wir für höchste Qualität und natürliche Reinheit. Unsere Gewürze und Mischungen werden in der Schweiz mit grösster Sorgfalt abgefüllt, frei von künstlichen Zusätzen oder Rieselhilfen. Jedes Produkt entsteht in kleinen Chargen, um maximale Frische und unverfälschten Geschmack zu garantieren. Entdecke mit Justchili den Unterschied, den echtes Handwerk und beste Zutaten machen können.
Discover the fiery intensity of Birdseye Chili, also known as bird's eye chili, and enrich your dishes with a touch of spiciness. This small but powerful chili variety brings an explosive flavor to your kitchen.
The aroma of the Birdseye Chili is unmistakable. It is characterized by a fruity spiciness that is accompanied by a slightly sweet note. The chili peppers are small, round and have a bright red color , which gives any dish an attractive look.
The Birdseye Chili has a fascinating history. It originally comes from Thailand, where it got its name because of its shape, which is reminiscent of bird's eyes. It has been valued for its spicy heat in Thai and Asian cuisine for centuries.
You can use the Birdseye Chili in a variety of ways in your kitchen. Here are some preparation tips:
Spice Blends: Grind dried birdseye chilies into a fine powder form and use as an ingredient in spice blends. It gives your dishes a spicy note and a beautiful red color.
Marinades and Sauces: Add fresh or dried birdseye chilies to your marinades and sauces to give them a spicy kick. Please note, however, that the heat of the chilies can be very intense, so dose carefully.
Spicy oils: Add dried birdseye chilies to a jar of olive oil and let it steep for a few days. The oil absorbs the aroma and spiciness of the chilies and is perfect for refining salads, pasta dishes and more.
Please note that the Birdseye Chili is very hot. Be careful with the dosage and slowly try your hand at the level of spiciness you want.
Discover the fascinating world of Birdseye Chili and give your dishes a spicy touch. Order now and be amazed by the spiciness and aroma of the Birdseye Chili!
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Warum Just Chili?
- 100 % natürliche Zutaten: Geniesse reine Aromen ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe.
- Bio-zertifizierte Qualität: Unsere Gewürze stammen aus fairem und nachhaltigem Anbau.
- Vielfalt und Inspiration: Von klassischen Gewürzsets bis hin zu exotischen Chili-Produkten und Saucen bieten wir eine Palette, die jede Küche bereichert.
- Geschenkideen: Überrasche mit liebevoll zusammengestellten Gewürzgeschenksets.